I can not believe it is March, where have the last two months gone! The kids started their school year in January, both Hunter and Taylor remained in the same school while Claire started a new school! Claire absolutely LOVES school, and who would not love preschool?! I decided to mainstream her this year into a "normal" playschool; after a long stressful search for the right school...we struck gold! Here in South Africa, inclusion is not a part of the normal school system. Unfortunately children with special needs usually attend a special needs only school, and are not mainstreamed into normal classrooms. While Claire is gravely delayed in speech, she is a very bright and energetic 4 year old. She absolutely does not need to be in a special needs only school, but a normal playschool with her peers. Theodor Herzl is a local private Jewish school, but is open to all denominations. Their pre-primary(preschool) is run by an amazing forward thinking lady! She has welcomed Claire with open arms and has never questioned her need for "normal" interaction! We all decided that Claire needed a facilitator to accompany her to school, to oversee that Claire would get all that she needed. She will not need her long, in fact Claire refuses to let her help in any way(Very Stong Willed)! Claire has flourished, and I mean in all areas. Originally when I told her special needs school that I was moving Claire, they ALL were afraid that it was a bad idea....Ha! Showed them! Claire is now making remarkable progress in all areas! But most of all she is happy!
Now, on the back end of that...I now have to add all of her therapies after school, which makes for an extreme amount of time in the car and on the road. Claire sees her speech therapist 3 days a week, OT 2 days, PT 2 days and she is taking swim lessons 1 day a week (see what I mean, its exhausting just typing it out).
The boys have adjusted to their school schedules, and are finally feeling a part of the school. I have a lot of issues with their school, but they are happy. They have embraced the sports program here and continue to excel and improve in all areas that have a ball! They are making good grades, but this is where my beef comes in with the school...their academics and the way they are taught...SUCK! But with that said...I have learned during this time away from home and all things normal; that a little happiness goes a LONG way! I will not rock their boats and change schools; as they will have it rocked soon enough when we move back home(USA)
Speaking of...I would love to say that we are moving back soon! It is beginning to look like we are here for another year. I have mixed emotions about this; as some days it kills me, others I focus on the positives here. Most importantly; as many good things are in place for us here, it will never equal what family means to us there! I have shed a lot of tears over the prospect of us remaining here longer, but I always keep in mind that I believe God has a plan! I think that Claire is in the best place now...all of her needs are met and more! The boys, this is where it gets tricky...they are missing out on a lot at home. Their sports; baseball, basketball, football. Their education, it is definitely lacking here! They also are getting their immediate needs met, but I worry what damage will be done the longer this assignment is dragged on.
The one bright spot in all of this is that I am planning a trip home! If I am stuck here for sure, I am on a plane home to visit! The kids are out of school this summer(SA winter) for 6 weeks due to the World Soccer Cup being held here, so what an ideal time to fly the coop! Watch out Target, Ross, TJMaxx, Marshals..hell and even WALMART! Oh yeah, I will do some visiting with family and friends also!
SO, if you wondered where I have been the last few months....I have been in the car driving from appt to appt, driving from one sporting event to the next; and of course just regular old driving back and forth to two different schools! My mind and heart have been focused on the indecisiveness of our immediate future and the happiness of those around me!
Pics are next!
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