Sunday, March 14, 2010

The Last Few Months, In Pictures...

Here are a few of my favorite pictures, taken over the course of the last few months, enjoy!
Hunter, on a local safari!

Taylor, had his face painted from a local African!

Claire, on her first day of school...

Kids, one Sunday at church...

Taylor being a good big brother in Cape Town!

A recent craft in Hunter's art club, an African hut made from a phone book.

Trouble, Claire climbing in the window eating chips! Never a dull moment!

Claire was Minnie Mouse for a school festival.

Claire's class...

Claire in line(towering over everybody)

I am not sure who this is, but LOVED the pouting elephant!

Carson, our kitty, waits everyday for our dog, Lily, to come home from her walk!

Lily, hanging in one of our (half chewed) wicker chairs...

White lion at a local lion park...

My fav, the zebra, also at a local lion park...

Our last visitors, Grandma Lou and Poppy!

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