Tuesday, March 9, 2010

It Is, What It Is!

That's right, it is ..what it is! So, we are staying! Staying until June 0f 2012, with the possibility of leaving beginning in Dec 2011. Pat is needed here, and the reality of life has answered our tough questions! Tough questions like... Can you stay past contract(Ending Nov 2011)? Pat's reply, only if the family can do it. Family(my) reply...No! Morning after sleeping on it...Maybe! After many talks with many people, I am reminded of the basic truth...it is two more years of a good, stable job. Two more years of food on the table, good food!!
When we heard what was happening to our friends currently in the States and my family, we felt as if the better hand was dealt to us!
So now my reply, Yes. Yes, I know what is best. Yes, I know what we need to do, but Yes is the hard answer!
When you look at what we have been given; the area where we live, the opportunities that have been laid out for us...an outsider would say "You are an idiot for wanting this to end!" When you look at what we are missing....time spent with family; a smart person would say "I get it, I understand the hardness", but then say "You have to do what is best for the ENTIRE family", and that is Stay!
So, with that said... South Africa is home for a little while longer!

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