Thursday, October 4, 2012

A Right of Passage.....

Unfortunately Claire had to have some dental work done last week, and was put under anesthesia to have it done!  With all of our "new" issues, the whole thing was a bit unsettling for me....but in true Claire fashion she did much better than I!  Claire came home and instantly had something to do (after the loopiness wore off)....put a tooth under her pillow!  Its the little things that mean so much around here, the absolute happiness of putting a tooth under a pillow; and the absolute joy of waking up and getting "paper with a lion on it", R50, South African money has animals on it!  A right of passage for a little kid....loved every minute!
                                          Claire Bear's tooth, ready for the tooth fairy.......
In other news... 
I escaped for a weekend away with my girlfriends!  I was very leery of leaving Claire, but am trying desperately to resume normalcy!  We went to Knysna, which is about 3 hours away and had a great time shopping, drinking and laughing!   Not sure how I will ever leave this place and these friends...we have such an amazing group of friends!  
The kids are out of school for a week, so we have been enjoying NO schedules and early morning drop offs!  The weather has been beautiful, and we are spending lots of time outside!  There has been a lot of golf playing, cricket playing and even a little basketball(Claire bought a basketball with her tooth fairy money). Taylor entered a Biathlon 2 weeks ago, and did so well he made the EP team!  EP stands for Eastern Province, the area of South Africa that we live in, and he will represent EP this weekend against other athletes around South Africa!  This is a huge deal around here, and we are super excited for him and can not wait to see him compete!  Hunter has been attending a cricket camp this week, and is gearing  up for a week in Cape Town with his school team as they go on tour to play other schools! 
    Hunter obsessed with practicing.....
I love weekends at home, and am a true homebody at heart!  I would much rather have lunch out than dinner any day of the week....much simpler!  Our past weekend was awesome, Friday night my friend and I went to a dear friend's birthday party while Pat took over Claire post tooth extraction duty!  Saturday we all went for lunch, then dessert and coffee at a new favorite bakery!  Saturday night we enjoyed a home cooked meal of shrimp pasta, Pat's garlic bread and dessert made by Hunter and Claire!  Sunday after church we went to one of our favorite outdoor spots and had brunch!  The following pictures are fuzzy, but what a fun night making supper together!  
                                                       We ALL helped make dinner.....
                               Pat cooking the shrimp, Taylor stirring the sauce and hiding from the camera.....
                                          Hunter and Claire making pudding.....
We pack up tomorrow and head north to Bloemfontein for Taylor's biathlon meet! I love road trips!

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