Wednesday, April 7, 2010

The Latest...

We ended our first school term with a bang! Both boys competed in a triathlon at their school; Taylor completed his individually while Hunter was part of a team. They both did awesome; Taylor rocked his! He was behind some of his buddies after the swim, but nailed them on the bike and running! Way to go boys!

Taylor finishing bike...

Completing run...

Hunter getting to his bike...

Such determination...

We did a bit of traveling over the holidays, back to the same National Park! This time we shared a cabin with some friends, and another group of friends stayed next door. We had a great time! The kids had a ball; there was a total of 11 kids!
We arrived home just in time on Saturday to prepare for the Easter Bunny! On Sunday after opening Easter baskets, we headed to church! Instead of cooking we joined some of our friends at an outdoor brunch...very nice! On our way home...Taylor puked in Claire's Easter basket! Lovely, needless to say Claire was pissed!
Kids dying eggs, Taylor in charge(of course!)

Easter Bunny left his footprints everywhere!

Easter Bunny brought new jammies!

Too busy eating candy to put dress on!
Over this two week school break, there has been at least one sick child with a short lapse of about 3 days! Started with Hunter, now Taylor. Lets just hope Claire does not get it!
Other news...We got a jungle gym. I finally talked Pat into it, and the kids LOVE it!
Our sweet kitty, Carson...
Claire eating MORE candy!

I have been reorganizing my office, and I am determined to start sewing and crafting!
And the best news...We are planning our trip home! I am giddy just thinking of getting to go home for awhile!
To come...Taylor turns 12!

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